
Our policy lasts for 30 days. If it has been more than 30 days since your purchase, unfortunately, we cannot offer you a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, your foot mats must be unused and in the same condition as you received them; any damage or staining caused by yourself that affects the resale of the foot mats will not be returned or refunded. At the same time, it must be in the original packaging, and the tag must be intact.

In order to complete your return, you will need to contact to provide your receipt or proof of purchase to prove that the item you received was purchased from our website. After confirming it is correct, we will approve your return or refund application. At this time, you can send the product to our return address.

Please do not return your purchase to the manufacturer.

Refund (If Applicable)

Once your return has been received and inspected, we will send you an email informing you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or denial of the refund.

If you are approved, your refund will be processed and payment will be automatically refunded to your credit card or original form of payment within 1-3 business days.

Please note that our refund does not include the shipping charges you paid for the item.

Late or Missing Refunds (If Applicable)

If you have not received your refund after the deadline, please email

Exchange (If Applicable)

We will only replace defective or damaged items that are caused by the seller.

Return Address

Address: 1767 W Ogden Ave # 151, Naperville, IL 60540

Phone: +(1)(xxx) xxx-xxxx


If you need to return the product, please contact PureTeslaShop Customer Service first to confirm the reason and need for the return, and then send the original package of the product back to PureTeslaShop after-sales service center. No returns will be processed without prior communication.

You will be responsible for the shipping costs of returning the item. Shipping charges are non-refundable. Shipping costs for returning or replacing defective or damaged items due to seller reasons will be borne by us.